November 5, 2008

Advice for Obama (in 100 Words) solicited advice from a wide range of people about what the next president should do in his first 100 days of office (in 100 words or less).

Here’s what On the Commons Fellow Jay Walljasper offered:

I urge the next president to seize this historical moment by articulating a new worldview for America. Everything looks to be unraveling right now, so the incoming administration must immediately deliver a rousing vision of how life can improve for average citizens. At the core of this message should be an old idea called The Commons—meaning the things that belong to all of us. This includes air, water, parks, the internet, culture, public services and much more. For years we put all our faith in the market, but now our security and happiness depend more on what we share in common.

Go to the WorldChanging website to see what Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken, Hunter Lovins, Denis Hayes, Bruce Sterling and many others suggest to Obama.