October 22, 2008

Washington Post Endorses Cap-and-Dividend

A commons-based solution to global warming is picking up steam. The Washington Post in an editorial just endorsed the Cap-and-Dividend approach to climate change.

The Obama campaign has also endorsed the concept, which it calls Cap-and-Rebate. The Post calls it Cap-and-Return.

The idea is to put a cap on overall carbon emissions that gets progressively lower and then charge polluters, with the proceeds being returned to American citizens. That money will help low- and middle-income people deal with rising energy prices that will result from efforts to stop global warming.

“This is not a radical notion,” the Post editorialized. “In Canada, British Columbia already does what we are proposing.”

The idea for Cap-and-Dividend was first voiced by On the Commons cofounder Peter Barnes in his 2001 book Who Owns the Sky?

For more also see Cap-and-Dividend.