

Commons in the Field

Toolbox for Commons in the Field

An Update on the Great Lakes Tour

On the Commons, Council of Canadians, FLOW, and others travel to communities around the Great Lakes


Participate in our public art project and lend your voice to the Great Lakes Commons Charter
Articles on Commons in the Field
October 24, 2012

The Reemergence of Social Charters

Another tool for reclaiming the commons
October 24, 2012

Reflections from the Great Lakes Commons Gathering

Seeking to reclaim the Great Lakes as a commons, seventy visionary leaders came together this fall
September 28, 2012

Who Says Student Protests Are a Thing of the Past?

Youth take to the streets in Chile and Puerto Rico, while student inspired demonstrations topple Quebec's ruling party
September 12, 2012

An Invitation to Join the Commons Network

If you care about what we share in common, read this invitation
The Great American Neighborhood
September 10, 2012

The Great American Neighborhood

Welcome to Jacobsburg, which offers inspiring lessons in how to create a great community.
September 3, 2012

Great Lakes Commons Initiative: A Game-Changing Plan

An effort to declare and live the Great Lakes as a commons, a protected bioregion and a public trust
September 1, 2012

What We Can Do to Protect the Great Lakes

Creating a commons charter to govern management of the lakes will protect the public interest
August 29, 2012

Fine Art Photographer Looks at the Human Dimension of Lake Michigan

"My goal is to create a contemporary picture of the lake, and I can’t think of a better way than by showing the people who interact with it daily." — Kevin Miyazaki
August 19, 2012

A 150-Year Experiment: Colleges That Serve Everyone

Land-grant schools make a natural ally for the commons movement
August 11, 2012

Low-income People Need Public Spaces the Most

Parks, squares, sidewalks, transit, schools and community centers are commons that can be used by all
August 5, 2012

The Fall and Rise of Great Public Spaces

Why we need parks, streetlife, squares, markets, trails, community gardens and other hang outs more than ever
Ripple Lake
August 3, 2012

Water Commons. Water Citizenship. Water Security.

Tales of commons management from around the world
July 15, 2012

What If We Had to Pay to See a Mountain?

A college class makes a witty video exploring the impact of the commons in their lives
June 25, 2012

From Middle East to Wall Street, Justice Depends on Public Spaces

What happens when people have no place to gather as citizens?
June 24, 2012

To Young People, Justice is a Key Ingredient in Good Food

Cooperative restaurants sprout on many campuses