

Community Life

Locally-based commons build the “social wealth” of our communities. It is therefore important to create and maintain an independent business sector, inviting public spaces, local agricultural initiatives, and other vital community systems.

May 6, 2006

Why Don't We Share The Toys?

How can it be that Philippines rank higher than the U.S. on measures of national happiness? Perhaps because they have not lost the instinct to share.
April 28, 2006

Can Alameda Citizens Reclaim their Own Public Land?

A California city wants to reclaim land it sold to a railroad in 1924.
April 4, 2006

Imagining New Institutions to Defend the Commons

Ben Franklin invented the public library and the fire department. If he were around today, he'd be creating new institutions to help the commons help us.
March 23, 2006

Turning Play into Work

Turning play into work by becoming a professional computer game competitor.
February 7, 2006

Willie Mays or AT&T?

In San Francisco, activists want to fight to stop the creeping corporatization of everything by renaming their ballpark for Willie Mays.
February 3, 2006

Nominations Sought for the Captain Hook Awards for Biopiracy

Some of the greatest pirates of all time are still alive. They plunder the commons to fill their treasure chests.
January 27, 2006

Pieces of Silver for Public Names -- and Our Shared Identities

What's in a name? A great deal when it comes to selling our schools and other civic institutions.
Crossroads Mall
January 23, 2006

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Public Life in Private Places
January 10, 2006

Is It Still Possible to Make Great Public Places Today?

Is it still possible to make great public places today? Yes, but we must unlearn many of the modern era's design rules.