


Economic growth that depends upon depleting nature is not “progress,” but wanton destruction of a vital commons. Our mission is to draw attention to this theft of commonly owned wealth and promote ways to restore natural ecosystems through better commons management systems.

November 14, 2012

Icelanders Vote to Include Commons in Their Constitution

81 percent want resources not privately owned to be declared national property
October 30, 2012

A Stormy Reminder of Why We Need Government

A job well done, from the local 911 switchboard to the White House

(Photo by M. Christian under a CC license from flickr.com)

October 24, 2012

How New York City Kept Its Drinking Water Pure--And Saved Billions of Dollars

1st in a series looking at the unsung heroes who keep public water systems safe and efficient
October 15, 2012

What's the Source of Rage in the Republican Party?

Democrats' victory can help the commons-- but the real work now starts at the gressroots
October 10, 2012

Why Do Politicians Break Promises About Tackling Climate Change?

The problem may not be their lack of integrity, but how we frame the issue
September 21, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

A leading figure in the environmental movement offers a manifesto for America the Possible
August 3, 2012

What Do We Lose When Experiences Go Extinct?

A less colorful, less fragrant, less delicious, less sensual world awaits us--unless we act now