


Most elements of the commons are global, transcending the sovereignty of any nation. There is a pressing need for international agreements on managing common resources such as air, water, the internet, airwaves and other essential parts of our lives. Examples of tags: global commons, trade, economic development.

October 10, 2012

Why Do Politicians Break Promises About Tackling Climate Change?

The problem may not be their lack of integrity, but how we frame the issue
September 28, 2012

Who Says Student Protests Are a Thing of the Past?

Youth take to the streets in Chile and Puerto Rico, while student inspired demonstrations topple Quebec's ruling party
September 17, 2012

The Times They're a Changing. Or Are They?

31 states outlaw gay marriage. But this election offers four opportunities to stop bans.
August 11, 2012

Low-income People Need Public Spaces the Most

Parks, squares, sidewalks, transit, schools and community centers are commons that can be used by all
August 10, 2012

Water Privatization Overlooked as Factor in Egypt's Revolt

Mubarak's water policies contributed to the Arab Spring revolution last year
August 6, 2012

Poor People Need Public Spaces the Most

Parks, squares, sidewalks, transit, schools and community centers are commons that can be used by all
August 5, 2012

The Fall and Rise of Great Public Spaces

Why we need parks, streetlife, squares, markets, trails, community gardens and other hang outs more than ever
July 30, 2012

U.S. Health Care Debate: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

The American debate sounds absurd (and heartless) to the rest of the industrialized world