

Politics and Government

Just as government is needed to help markets function efficiently and fairly, government is also necessary to facilitate a thriving commons – through regulatory oversight, access mandates, taxes and due process. Yet a key point of the commons movement is that government is not the sole means for fulfilling the aspirations of “we the people.”

August 27, 2004

Michael Warburton

August 27, 2004

Daniel Pauly

August 27, 2004

John Passacantando

August 27, 2004

Bonnie McCay

August 27, 2004

Pat Mooney

August 27, 2004

Peter Montague

August 27, 2004

William McKibben

August 27, 2004

Jim Hightower

August 27, 2004

Simeon Herskovitz

August 27, 2004

Andrea Levere